stainless steel manufacturing excellence
stainless steel
manufacturing excellence
stainless steel
manufacturing excellence

We have our own in-house team of qualified engineers using the latest software to provide custom solutions for our clients.

We are equipped with custom in house designed and built machinery to build our tanks and equipment to international standards of quality and workmanship.

We have highly skilled teams and project management to undertake projects requiring site build tanks and modifications both locally and into sub Saharan Africa.

We have highly skilled installation teams, consisting of trained installers, coded welders, and project managers.
We supply supplementary tank parts and components to the stainless steel manufacturing industry.

Industry leaders who look to us for solutions
Industry leaders
who look to us for solutions

High Quality Standards
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Our Quality Assurance is in-house and on the job aided by strict document control, traceability and Third Party or client inspection when required. We adhere to IS0 3834 welding standard. We only use top quality high grade materials available as as stainless steel tank manufacturers.

High Quality Materials
High Quality Materials